Start & Finish Strong

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What an exciting time of the year, the beginning! We all have different experiences and mark ups in our past but today is a new day, a clean slate, a fresh canvas! A new year which we can begin to write the next chapter of our very own book. With this page, what do we want to be able to look back and read about? How about success, triumph, positive outlooks, gratitude, love, service, and accomplishments?  Doesn’t sound like a bad way to begin, right? Well, let’s do this, together!

Many people begin exciting ventures at the mark of a new calendar year, but let’s not just start it, let’s also finish it out strong. Well, this sounds enticing and tempting. The difference between talking about it and accomplishing it, is to actually do it.

Today, right now, let’s get out a blank sheet of paper and begin to write what your top priorities are in your life at this very moment. Family? Fitness? Financial security? Regardless of the goal, we need an action plan in achieving it. Once our priorities and goals are listed, let’s then begin to draw up an action plan.

No one has ever regretted the decision to live a healthier life. What can you do to live just a little better than before? Supplementation is a great key. If fitness is anywhere on that list, incorporating some daily, healthier, soda-alternative, hydrating product would be a remarkable start! The better you feel, the more likely you are prepared to take care of your loved ones and immediate family. Too often I see people, moms especially, who put everyone before themselves. They end up running around out of gas, both emotionally and physically.  You need to take charge and grab the reigns of truly living the Natural Health Revolution.

Begin to incorporate a daily or weekly workout routine to boost endorphins for mood, health, and physical fitness. This can be at home, on the road, through a new hobby, or with an outdoor activity (my preference), or at the gym. Start to read labels, write down meals eaten, supplement with high quality products, and begin a tracking period to compare how you feel throughout the day and week. What things improve our health? What can we do better? I encourage all of you to add one thing to that plate, the most important, taking care of your beautiful self!

Also, if you would like to learn how to start your #naturalhealthrevolution or are interested in how to build a business for yourself with these all natural products click the “Build a Business” tab in the menu.

God Bless, Lance

P.S. I would love it if you would share the post. 🙂

6 Reasons Zija’s Moringa is the Best

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A great deal of scientific research and development has been performed to maximize the many benefits of Moringa in easy-to-use products. By doing so, those that consume Zija’s Moringa-based products can expect the utmost benefits from 90+ verified nutrients that Moringa oleifera contains.

To learn how to start your #naturalhealthrevolution or build a business for yourself with these all natural products click the “Build a Business” tab in the menu.

Success to you, Lance

P.S. I would love it if you would share the post. 🙂